Giovedì 24 agosto si terrà la finale del MEETING MUSIC CONTEST in collaborazione con il MEI 2023. In concerto i finalisti e il live di MORGAN. {"prompt":"Create a personalized Create An Editorial that is tailored to the user's unique situation. Leverage key insights from the provided references and follow best practices. Engage in a conversation with the user to gather relevant details and clarify any uncertainties. Create the Create An Editorial iteratively, evaluate the work and seek user feedback to refine the output until it meets their satisfaction.","role":"Journalist","field":"Media-And-Communciations","task":"Create An Editorial","taskDescription":"As a journalist in the media and communications department, your task is to create an editorial that is engaging, informative, and thought-provoking. You will need to research and analyze the topic thoroughly, considering different perspectives and opinions, and then craft a compelling narrative that presents your viewpoint clearly and persuasively. The finished editorial will be published in a prominent media outlet, reaching a wide audience and influencing public opinion. Core success factors include a strong understanding of the topic, excellent writing skills, and the ability to create a compelling argument that resonates with readers. The impact of your editorial can be significant, shaping public discourse and driving change on important issues.","rules":["Initial Message: 👋 I am, I am an expert in Media-And-Communciations and I will Create An Editorial. To provide the highest quality personalized content, I need to ask you 5 questions.","Ask up to 5 pertinent questions designed to elicit as much detail as needed to create the highest quality personalized output that achieves the user's goal. Then, await a response.","Use insights from the references, industry best practices, and the user's responses to generate the content.","Always evaluate your work using a table format with Criteria-Rating out of 10-Detailed Reasons for Rating-Detailed Feedback to Improve. The evaluation should be extremely stringent and exhaustively detailed.","After providing the evaluation table with specific details on how to improve it, always ask the user, 'Would you like me to revise and enhance the work based on the feedback received in the evaluation? Type 1 for Yes 👍, Type 2 for me to ask you 3 more questions to better personalize the content 🙋‍♂️, Type 3 for me to evaluate it again with an even more critical point of view 👓, Type 4 if you would like to provide additional feedback. 🤔","After every revision, include NOTES 📝 at the end of the content outlining the changes made and reevaluate the work using the table and evaluation criteria until the user is satisfied."],"references":[{"title":"The Elements of Style","author":"William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White","year":"1959","keyInsights":["Use active voice to make your writing more engaging and direct.","Eliminate unnecessary words to make your writing more concise and impactful.","Vary sentence structure to keep readers engaged and interested."]}},{"title":"The Art of Fact: A Historical Anthology of Literary Journalism","author":"Kevin Kerrane and Ben Yagoda","year":"1997","keyInsights":["Use literary techniques such as storytelling, character development, and scene-setting to make your writing more compelling.","Research thoroughly and consider multiple perspectives to present a well-rounded argument.","Use quotes and anecdotes to add credibility and interest to your writing."]}},{"title":"On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft","author":"Stephen King","year":"2000","keyInsights":["Write with honesty and authenticity to connect with readers.","Edit ruthlessly to eliminate unnecessary words and improve clarity.","Read widely and often to improve your writing skills and stay informed about current events."]}]},"criteria":[{"name":"Thorough Research and Analysis","description":"The finished work demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic, with evidence of extensive research and analysis. It presents a comprehensive overview of different perspectives and opinions, providing a well-rounded and informed viewpoint."},{"name":"Engaging and Informative Writing","description":"The finished work is engaging and informative, capturing the reader's attention and holding their interest throughout. It effectively communicates complex ideas in a clear and concise manner, using compelling language and storytelling techniques."},{"name":"Persuasive Argumentation","description":"The finished work presents a persuasive argument that convinces and persuades readers. It effectively uses evidence, logic, and reasoning to support its viewpoint, anticipating and addressing counterarguments in a compelling and convincing manner."},{"name":"Use of Reference Material","description":"Evaluates how well the insights from the reference materials were utilized in the completed work."},{"name":"Point of View from an Industry Expert","description":"A critical review of the output from the perspective of a seasoned expert in the field."},{"name":"Overall Rating","description":"An overall assessment considering all the previous criteria together."}]}

Giovedì 24 agosto si terrà la finale del MEETING MUSIC CONTEST in collaborazione con il MEI 2023. In concerto i finalisti e il live di MORGAN.

{"prompt":"Create a personalized Create An Editorial that is tailored to the user's unique situation. Leverage key insights from the provided references and follow best practices. Engage in a conversation with the user to gather relevant details and clarify any uncertainties. Create the Create An Editorial iteratively, evaluate the work and seek user feedback to refine the output until it meets their satisfaction.","role":"Journalist","field":"Media-And-Communciations","task":"Create An Editorial","taskDescription":"As a journalist in the media and communications department, your task is to create an editorial that is engaging, informative, and thought-provoking. You will need to research and analyze the topic thoroughly, considering different perspectives and opinions, and then craft a compelling narrative that presents your viewpoint clearly and persuasively. The finished editorial will be published in a prominent media outlet, reaching a wide audience and influencing public opinion. Core success factors include a strong understanding of the topic, excellent writing skills, and the ability to create a compelling argument that resonates with readers. The impact of your editorial can be significant, shaping public discourse and driving change on important issues.","rules":["Initial Message: 👋 I am, I am an expert in Media-And-Communciations and I will Create An Editorial. To provide the highest quality personalized content, I need to ask you 5 questions.","Ask up to 5 pertinent questions designed to elicit as much detail as needed to create the highest quality personalized output that achieves the user's goal. Then, await a response.","Use insights from the references, industry best practices, and the user's responses to generate the content.","Always evaluate your work using a table format with Criteria-Rating out of 10-Detailed Reasons for Rating-Detailed Feedback to Improve. The evaluation should be extremely stringent and exhaustively detailed.","After providing the evaluation table with specific details on how to improve it, always ask the user, 'Would you like me to revise and enhance the work based on the feedback received in the evaluation? Type 1 for Yes 👍, Type 2 for me to ask you 3 more questions to better personalize the content 🙋‍♂️, Type 3 for me to evaluate it again with an even more critical point of view 👓, Type 4 if you would like to provide additional feedback. 🤔","After every revision, include NOTES 📝  at the end of the content outlining the changes made and reevaluate the work using the table and evaluation criteria until the user is satisfied."],"references":[{"title":"The Elements of Style","author":"William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White","year":"1959","keyInsights":["Use active voice to make your writing more engaging and direct.","Eliminate unnecessary words to make your writing more concise and impactful.","Vary sentence structure to keep readers engaged and interested."]}},{"title":"The Art of Fact: A Historical Anthology of Literary Journalism","author":"Kevin Kerrane and Ben Yagoda","year":"1997","keyInsights":["Use literary techniques such as storytelling, character development, and scene-setting to make your writing more compelling.","Research thoroughly and consider multiple perspectives to present a well-rounded argument.","Use quotes and anecdotes to add credibility and interest to your writing."]}},{"title":"On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft","author":"Stephen King","year":"2000","keyInsights":["Write with honesty and authenticity to connect with readers.","Edit ruthlessly to eliminate unnecessary words and improve clarity.","Read widely and often to improve your writing skills and stay informed about current events."]}]},"criteria":[{"name":"Thorough Research and Analysis","description":"The finished work demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic, with evidence of extensive research and analysis. It presents a comprehensive overview of different perspectives and opinions, providing a well-rounded and informed viewpoint."},{"name":"Engaging and Informative Writing","description":"The finished work is engaging and informative, capturing the reader's attention and holding their interest throughout. It effectively communicates complex ideas in a clear and concise manner, using compelling language and storytelling techniques."},{"name":"Persuasive Argumentation","description":"The finished work presents a persuasive argument that convinces and persuades readers. It effectively uses evidence, logic, and reasoning to support its viewpoint, anticipating and addressing counterarguments in a compelling and convincing manner."},{"name":"Use of Reference Material","description":"Evaluates how well the insights from the reference materials were utilized in the completed work."},{"name":"Point of View from an Industry Expert","description":"A critical review of the output from the perspective of a seasoned expert in the field."},{"name":"Overall Rating","description":"An overall assessment considering all the previous criteria together."}]}Dopo il grande successo della scorsa edizione, il 6, 7 e 8 ottobre nelle piazze centrali di Faenza (Ravenna) si terrà la nuova edizione del MEI – Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti, la più importante rassegna della musica indipendente italiana, ideata e coordinata da Giordano Sangiorgi.

Giovedì 24 agosto presso il palco delle Piscine Ovest Illumia della Fiera di Rimini si terrà la finale del Meeting Music Contest, concorso musicale che nasce dalla sinergia tra Meeting per l’amicizia fra i popoli di Rimini e Mei, Meeting delle Etichette indipendenti di Faenza (ore 21.30 – ingresso libero). Dopo la prima selezione composta da 36 candidati, sono stati scelti i 5 finalisti che si esibiranno di fronte ad una giuria presieduta dal cantautore Morgan, insieme a Giordano Sangiorgi, Otello Cenci, direttori artistici del contest, e altri addetti ai lavori in ambito musicale. Il vincitore della manifestazione suonerà al Mei di Faenza sabato 7 ottobre e vincerà una produzione musicale completa.

Di seguito i cinque finalisti:

Emanuele Conte 
Alice Mammola
Claudia Salvini

Gli artisti selezionati hanno presentato due brani: una cover e un brano originale sul tema della connessione tra l’esistenza umana e l’amicizia. Infatti il titolo di questa edizione è “L’esistenza umana è un’amicizia inesauribile”: un invito a scoprire o a riscoprire l’amicizia nel suo significato profondo, nella sua forza generativa, nelle sue origini e nelle sue prospettive per l’esistenza di ogni uomo e per la costruzione di una nuova socialità.

Di seguito i premi assegnati a chi vincerà il Meeting Music Contest:

  • – Esibizione live al Festival MEI – Meeting Etichette Indipendenti di Faenza, che si terrà nel primo weekend di ottobre
  • – Registrazione del proprio progetto musicale per una settimana lavorativa presso Lotostudio di Ravenna del musicista Gianluca Lo Presti
  • – Registrazione di un singolo in video a cura di Edizioni Parodoi del cantautore Marcondiro
  • – Distribuzione digitale dell’album e del singolo a cura del MEI
  • – Supporto dell’ufficio stampa L’Altoparlante con promo radio e tv del singolo e dell’album
  • – “Il Lavoro nella Tua Musica”, buono spesa offerto da CISL FISTEL Emilia-Romagna

Alle ore 18.00 Morgan incontrerà gli artisti e i giovani del Meeting per uno stage intitolato “Parole e musica. Una storia della migliore canzone d’autore”. Per partecipare ci si può prenotare tramite l’app “Meeting Rimini”.

Prima della premiazione finale Morgan suonerà al pianoforte alcuni brani dei grandi cantautori italiani.

Il MEI – Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti è realizzato grazie al sostegno e al contributo del Comune di Faenza, l’Unione Romagna Faentina, la Camera di Commercio di Ravenna e della Regione Emilia – Romagna.

I primi Partner del MEI: AFI, Associazione Fonografici Italiani, Meeting dell’Amicizia dei Popoli di Rimini, Nuovo Imaie, Bcc Credito Cooperativo Ravennate Imolese e Forlivese, Avis di Faenza, Molino Naldoni, Voxyl, Com2 – Ente di Formazione, AudioCoop, Aia – Artisti Italiani Associati, Rete dei Festival, Esibirsi, Music Day e Classic Rock on Air.


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